Monday, 24 September 2012

What is Coal?

      Coal has been considered as one of the substantial resources that keeps our society from functioning. Unlike most resources, Coal is finite. It must be taken into consideration to conserve and utilize every inch of it. There has been a study that Coal deposits would be enough to satisfy current world energy needs for the next 300 years, Yes there’ll be assurance that we’ll live knowing that coal is abundant during our present time, but the question is what will be the effect of this so called “assurance” in the upcoming generation?

 The benefits of Coal can be traced back in our history; it marks not only the growth of individual territories but of Human Civilization. Since the ancient ages, Coal is widely used as means of energy source and as a tool for metal works. Today, it has been taken into account that “Coal” fuels electric power generation worldwide. More than half of total world coal production provides around 39% of the world's electricity and Coal provides over 23% of global primary energy needs it hoards almost 70% of total global steel production is dependent on coal.

World economy is widely shaped by our dependence on coal. According to a study, Australia is the largest exporter of coal worldwide with more than 240 million tonnes annually, while Japan is the largest importer of coal worldwide. Although there’s a possibility that the “abundance of coal” has a direct connection with a country’s economical stature, for as we know it Japan and Australia are some of the most productive countries in the world, still it doesn’t say much for the satisfaction brought by it is concentrated within the country of production not with the rest of the world.

Acid rain, heavy metal poisoning, background radiation exposure and increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are some of the few detrimental effects that coal has in stored in our world. And most of its effects are not gained throughout the process of manufacturing coal, No, the real reason is the excessive electricity, which a large percentage comes from coal, use of humans. Nowadays, since a large part of coal is being used by rich countries, they’ve volunteered to look for alternatives that’ll probably ease environmental problems with coal.

To top it off, Coal really contributes a lot in our society. It provided us growth,    satisfaction, and a reason to move forward. But at the same time, It also made us unaware and lazy of considering its effects on our environment. Improvement is important but without proper consideration and attention it could be fatal. Let’s start working together and help our environment, our home, our earth. For helping it is the same as providing a comfortable shade to our future generation.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Hunger Games: Summary


The Reaping

People from every district gathered around the townsquare for the reaping, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark are chosen as tributes and will participate in the 74th annual Hunger Games. 

First sight at the Capital

After spending time in the train, the tributes arrived at the Capitol. Katniss and Peeta are introduced to their stylists and are taken into a chariot to be shown off to the Capitol’s citizens. The tributes are then exposed to luxurious quarters where they’ll stay until the Games. 

Training Tower

The tributes are taken in the training tower to be assessed with different skills that are beneficial and will provide instruction on things that’ll help them in the games.   

Training Scores

Filled with Determination, the tributes are headed to make an impression in their private training session with the game makers. Afterwards, the tribute's scores are broadcasted over Panem. 

The Interview

Uneasy, the tributes are prepped and prepared to present themselves in an interview with Caesar Flickerman which will be aired in Panem. 

The Game has Begun

The Games begin, instructed by Peeta, Katniss went to the forest alone leaving Peeta with the Career's group. 

The Tracker Jackers

Rue tipped Katniss about the Tracker jacker's nest located in the tree with her. In return, Katniss lets Rue know that she plans to drop the Tracker Jacker's nest on the camp of the Careers hunting her, Rue runs off. 

Katniss` Hallucinations

While dropping the Tracker jacker's nest. Katniss was poisoned by the sting of the bee causing her to be unconscious for a long period of time, hallucinate, and lose stamina. 

The Alliance

 Rue and Katniss meet again and decided to work together as a team.

The Plan

Determined in turning the scales, Katniss and Rue planned on destroying the food supply of the Careers. Katniss aimed the attack while Rue created campfires as a distraction for the careers.

Rue`s Death

Ensnared in a net, Rue was speared by a career from district 1. Katniss quickly releases an arrow from her bow directly at the career's neck. While waiting for Rue`s Death, Katniss covered Rue's body with flowers and she sung Rue's melody.

The Announcement

Claudius Templesmith announces that if both of the tributes from the same district can make it to the final two then they can both win. 

Search for Peeta

Hearing the announcement, Katniss set foot searching for Peeta. She then found him,camouflaging in a river, weak and filled with wounds. She took peeta in a cave and took great care in him.

The Feast

The "Feast" is announced by the capitol and it's taking place in Cornucopia. Katniss knew that in this part of the game all of the tributes will head towards the feast making a bloodbath but she didn't let her selfishness prevent her from getting the medicine that'll cure Peeta. That's why she gave peeta an alternative medicine luring him into sleep so that Peeta can't prevent her from going in the Feast.

Token of Gratitude

Filled with fear, Katniss went to Cornucopia. She then encountered Clove and was almost killed until Tresh appeared and helped Katniss in exchange for helping out Rue. Katniss went back to the cave giving Peeta the medicine. After He's better, he nurses Katniss until   she's fully recovered.

Death of Foxface

Katniss and Peeta run out of supplies, they've decided to leave the cave and look for food. While looking for food, Peeta accidentally took a bunch of poisonous berry called Nightlock. Sneaky as a fox, Foxface took one of the berries and ate it leaving her body cold in the ground.

The Final Bloodbath

Hunting in the forest, Katniss and peeta discovered that the stream has run dry. The only soruce of water comes from the lake in Cornucopia which will attract the other tributes, thus indicating that the gamemakers want all the remaining tributes to head to the lake for a final bloodbath. Katniss and Peeta went on Cornucopia and while they're waiting for others to arrive. Cato appeared out of nowhere and he's being chased by mutts(muttations) which are made to resemble the dead tributes. The muttations killed Cato, leaving Katniss and Peeta the remaining tributes. But as they're to be claimed victors, an announcement has been made that the earlier rule change is revoked. Hesitant of killing each other, Katniss and Peeta attempted to poison themselves. Knowing that the Capitol can't let that happen, the rule adjustment was set back into place again. Hailing Katniss and Peeta as victors for the 24th  annual Hunger Games.

A trip back home

After the haunting experiences they`ve encountered, Katniss and Peeta are prepped again for an interview and later on sent back to their district never knowing what lies ahead them.

Guys, I'm really sorry! I forgot to put the sources of each picture that I've used, and I can't figure out where I took them. If there's a problem with it, please do inform me :) Thanks! and If you're really into the novel you can visit this interactive website:

Animal Farm: Themes

George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, contains a variety of themes. Some of which are “A Utopian society is impossible to obtain”, “The Societal tendency to class warfare” and “The totalitarian government is dangerous”. Further elaboration throughout the paragraphs will be focused on the specific events from the novel that illustrates these themes.

A universal balance in every aspect of life must be considered in having a perfect government. In Animal farm, different attitudes and characteristics are particularly seen that disapproves this thought. A good example is Mollie, a vain and materialistic horse, which often shows up late in work and leaves early compared to the others. She embodies people who can’t stay up and help the majority wherein in reality it’s for their own sake. Another good example is Boxer which strength is incomparably greater than the rest of the animals but he’s definitely not of first rate intelligence. A great percentage of our population are not that smart, not dumb, and often cover things up by working hard. It’s a good thing, but the point is due to their working ethics, they’re missing out on what’s really happening on their environment, same with Boxer inattentively controlled by the pigs. The final example of this theme is seen when Moses narrated “Sugarcandy Mountain” to the other animals which gave them hope that their labour and sufferings will be put to an end. In this novel, Moses personifies “Religion” which is as with many things, different to each people. With every religion, we are ought to follow rules and principles that shape us entirely. We tend to act sometimes not by our own free will, but with our religion. By merely looking at the given examples, we can say that a perfect government can never be achieved for we have different perspectives and own definitions of “Perfect”. And, even though we may not admit, humans themselves are a sight of imperfection.

Different wars, brought by conflicting societies, have shaped our history, now and then. Animal farm itself is made of different situations wherein there’s a societal tendency towards class warfare. To start with, at the beginning of the novel, farm animals, led by Old Major, started an uprising caused by the cruelty of humans to the animals. This anger led them in forcing Jones, owner of the farm, to leave. This specific example shows, just like humans, how driven and powerful different individuals are in exterminating a common problem. Another example illustrated in the novel is the part wherein the pigs gained the status as “brainworkers” of the farm, leaving the other animals as workers in the fields (manual labour). Even though this particular example doesn’t include physical conflict, still, it shows the divisions of animals according to speciality, intellectually and physical capacity, which marks the beginning of the manipulative approach of the pigs toward the farm animals. The last part of the novel is another great example of the theme wherein the farm animals saw the pigs and humans playing cards together, and they can’t basically tell the difference. Even though the ending is kind of a blur, we can nearly have the assumption that there’s a possibility that the animals will do what they’ve done before which is to oppose a common enemy. Simply because, the fact that they’ve associated the pigs with humans is the start of them, farm animals, realizing that society has changed and in their case it’s for the worse. These examples prove that even though different people are parted by society, still when needed to, can work or oppose each other.
The flag of Animal Farm

The last theme is focused on the dangerous effects of a totalitarian government. A good example can be seen when the farm animals were asked to volunteer extra hours on the windmill, but in reality they have no choice but to abide with it, if not they wouldn’t receive rations at all. This example clearly shows that the power to choose is prohibited in a totalitarian government, for disregarding an order is the same as putting yourself in danger. Another great example of this theme is the part where Boxer is sold to the knackers (men who slaughtered aged animals). It shows that if you’re not that helpful to the government you’ll be forced out into a position where the government will benefit from you, in Boxer’s case, its death. The final example of this theme can be seen on the part where the pigs ordered that the field originally planned as a grazing spot for retired animals be ploughed up and planted with barley. This example emphasizes the jurisdiction of the pigs in making a decision, that when settled upon, no one has the right to oppose it. By looking at the given examples, we can say that a totalitarian government is one-sided and it brings harm, not only to individuals, but with society itself.

This paper has been a discussion of events from the novel that illustrated the major themes. To recap, they were the “A Utopian society is impossible to obtain”, “The Societal tendency to class warfare” and “The totalitarian government is dangerous”. Understanding these themes will provide you not only deeper understanding but appreciation of the novel as a whole.

Here's the movie. Enjoy!